Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The purpose of this blog is to provide a critical view of the ways in which Christian messages are forced upon us on a daily basis. We see them everywhere. They are on billboards and other road signs. They are in our bookstores and other retail outlets. They are on t-shirts. They saturate our college campuses. They are on graffiti. They are pasted all over car bumpers. Experts say that on a daily basis we are subjected to thousands of persuasive messages. I submit that that at least a quarter of these are Christian messages.

Notice that I use the word "Christian" and not "religion." This is because other than the people who go door-to-door (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons), I have never encountered any person from a religion other than Christianity trying to force that religion on me. I'm sure such people do exist, but they are not nearly as pervasive and problematic as Christians are.

Let me say that I do not have a problem with believe. If someone chooses to believe in a higher power or that the stories in an old book are true, then more power to them. It is when these people with such beliefs assemble in groups and try to push an agenda on others that it becomes problematic. It is also a problem when these people use these beliefs as a foundation for making important decisions. The most relevant example of this is the family in Wisconsin who let their 11-year-old daughter die of a treatable condition because their religious beliefs prevented medical interference. These messages of indoctrination do much more harm to our society than good and they must be stopped.

If you hadn't already guessed, I am an atheist. I am an atheist who has lived for some time in the middle of the Bible Belt. As such, it must be understood that I am not pushing any kind of atheist agenda. I do not try to sway people to my beliefs, and therefore I feel that others should not try to sway me to theirs. I simply wish that these pervasive and obnoxious Christian messages be removed from the public domain and put somewhere where the rest of us aren't forced to ingest them on a daily basis.

I strongly encourage readers to share with me their stories of indoctrination attempts. I also encourage you to send any pictures of such religious abominations to christian.indoctrination@gmail.com. I wish for this blog to be a forum for critically discussing (and sometimes openly mocking) these annoying messages.

Happy Reading.

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